- year
- country
- id: household id
- gross_income
- tax: total tax paid
- make_ends_meet: categorical variable taking the following values
- 1 with great difficulty
- 2 with difficulty
- 3 with some difficulty
- 4 fairly easily
- 5 easily
- 6 very easily
- burden_housing: categorical variable taking the following values
- 1 A heavy burden
- 2 A slight burden
- 3 not burden at all
- dwelling: categorical variable taking the following values
- 1 detached house
- 2 semi-detached or terraced house
- 3 apartment or flat in a building with less than 10 dwellings
- 4 apartment or flat in a building with 10 or more dwellings
- 5 some other kind of accommodation
- tenure_status: categorical variable taking the following values
- 1 Outright owner
- 2 Owner paying mortgage
- 3 Tenant or subtenant paying rent at prevailing or market rate
- 4 Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate (lower price that the market price)
- 5 Accommodation is provided free
- number_rooms
- rent
- mortgage